February 26, 2012

Project 5: Medicine Box

Today was another easy project but one that needed to be done.  I decided to clean and organize our medicine storage/box.  Being sick this week made me realize this was an area that needed attention.

So this is our medicine box, to be a licensed adoption home we are required to have a locked box for medicine. 

Yes Genna is now adopted so a lock isn't needed anymore but I like the security of knowing all my medicines are locked up where kids can't reach them.  Plus, we are still considering #3...

 So back to cleaning, my solution required the use of my favorite household item-Zipper Bags.  I love Zipper bags!
 First I took everything out of the box and sorted by type.  I should point out that I actually didn't throw anything away since I am always on top of expiration dates for medicines (we are always sick). 

 I broke everything down by category then placed them in the bags.  I labeled the bags with a Sharpie since there was a label already printed on the bag. 
 I used a plastic container to hold the medicine dispensers, pill cutter and such.
 I placed all the bags back in and the dispenser box on top.
 All locked up back on the counter.  I did print a label for the medicines, but I am not loving it.  I thought it would cover the metal holder but it didn't so I may create a new one.  

I am very happy with my clean and organized Medicine Box.  Best part is the whole project cost me nothing I just used stuff I already had at home.  Love it!


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