February 28, 2012

Project 7: Kids Bathroom Cabinet

Continuing on the bathroom sink mission, I tackled the kids bathroom sick.  It was a bit of a mess, no really system to the storage.

 Things were just put down there and when you needed something you dig around.
 My solution required the use of more bins from Dollar Tree and alphabet stickers to label.

For the counter I labeled the green for Xander and pink for Genna to hold the stuff they use everyday.

Under the sink I grouped together the supplies, cleaning products, kid supplies, wipes. We store our excess diaper supplies under here (wipes, ointment, etc).

 Cleaned up counter.  I love the bins for each kid, now daddy can always find the kids stuff when momma is busy ;-)
 Inspired,  I moved to the tub.  I  used a bin to hold all the bath soaps, creams and shampoo.  Since Genna requires a bunch of different soaps (girls) it was hard to fit them all on the rack in the tub and easily reach while bathing kids.  So with the new tub everything is now easily accessible. 
 The toys also got a tub.

I didn't take a picture of the bags but the project did produce one bag of trash.  

February 27, 2012

Project 6: Guest Bathroom Cabinet

This week I decided to tackle the areas we use a lot, bathroom cabinets.  They are the perfect quick project for this challenge, I can do them relatively quickly on a weeknight.  I hate to admit this but they were a mess and needed help.  

Again I don't have a before picture but I do have an after picture.  The major issue with the cabinets is everything is just put under the sink, no uniform way of storing stuff.  Solution, bins of different sizes to organize and store things neatly.  Again I used the fabulous bins from Dollar Tree (they are really rocking storage right now). 

I first I cleaned out the cabinets and purged.  Then I sorted and put all the First Aid, Sunscreen and Bug Spray in the red bin; soap, lotion and beauty supplies in hot pink bin and cleaning supplies in the light pink bin.  A plastic lid box I found in the garage was used to hold candles and air freshener.   I used a Sharpie to label each, I plan to make some pretty labels but for now this will have to do.

February 26, 2012

Project 5: Medicine Box

Today was another easy project but one that needed to be done.  I decided to clean and organize our medicine storage/box.  Being sick this week made me realize this was an area that needed attention.

So this is our medicine box, to be a licensed adoption home we are required to have a locked box for medicine. 

Yes Genna is now adopted so a lock isn't needed anymore but I like the security of knowing all my medicines are locked up where kids can't reach them.  Plus, we are still considering #3...

 So back to cleaning, my solution required the use of my favorite household item-Zipper Bags.  I love Zipper bags!
 First I took everything out of the box and sorted by type.  I should point out that I actually didn't throw anything away since I am always on top of expiration dates for medicines (we are always sick). 

 I broke everything down by category then placed them in the bags.  I labeled the bags with a Sharpie since there was a label already printed on the bag. 
 I used a plastic container to hold the medicine dispensers, pill cutter and such.
 I placed all the bags back in and the dispenser box on top.
 All locked up back on the counter.  I did print a label for the medicines, but I am not loving it.  I thought it would cover the metal holder but it didn't so I may create a new one.  

I am very happy with my clean and organized Medicine Box.  Best part is the whole project cost me nothing I just used stuff I already had at home.  Love it!

Other project: Junk Drawers

So this project was done before the 40 day challenge but I love it so much I had to share.  I cleaned out my kitchen junk drawers, believe it or not I had 2!  Sadly only one before picture to share.

Drawer organizers from Dollar Tree

Organized drawers!  Now I can find things.

Drawer 2, now with a place to store all our chargers!

I love the drawers, if you have been to my house recently I am sure I showed them to you.   If not don't worry it will happen eventually.  I am weird like that.  :-P

February 25, 2012

Project 4: Kitchen Sink Cabinet

Ok so I forgot to get a before picture on the kitchen cabinet, I got all excited and started working then remembered.  To sum up, it was a mess, everything was just thrown under: bags, cleaning supplies, vases and random glass jars.  It was a huge mess.

First thing I did was pull everything out and throw away the empty bottles, paper, etc.  Then I pulled out all the glass stuff and sorted the donate stuff into a box.  

End result, one giant bag of trash and one box of donate.

I found some great boxes at the Dollar Tree, that I labeled based on the cleaning supplies.

Basically there is a box for dishes, bathroom cleaner, kitchen cleaner, spray bottles, Swiffer dusters and dusting supplies, air fresheners and carpet cleaner.  I also took a plastic basket (Dollar Tree) to hold all the grocery bags.  End result a nice and clean cabinet.  

I am so proud of the cabinet that I have been showing it to everyone who comes over.  I gushed about it to the babysitter, who I must say was pretty impressed.

February 24, 2012

Project 3.5: Mail Center

 I started the Mail Center Project a few weeks ago, but needed to finish it.   I have been seeing Mail Centers all over Pinterest and I knew it was the perfect solution to our mail/paper problem.

I found this awesome box by Greenroom at Target a while back in my favorite colors blue, lime green and brown.  It looks really nice on the kitchen bar.  It is pretty and inexpensive about $12.

I also found these pretty file folders also by Greenroom that coordinate with the colors in the box also at Target!  I had to buy two packs of 12 for about $8.

Next up was some pretty label templates I found on Pinterest that I printed on some left over labels I had a home, free is always awesome.
So I broke down the categories for the hanging files and file folders for each thing to be filed.  Here is how they broke down:
Anthony: Incoming Mail; To Pay
Lorri: Incoming Mail; To Pay; Medical
Xander: Sign & Return; Invites; School Papers
Genevieve: Sign & Return; Invites; School Papers
Calendar/Invites: Events; Activities; Arrow Training(Adoption Related)
To File: Abby (Dog); To File Household; Tax Documents; To Shred; Arrow Paperwork

Here is a look at the box put together, with stuff filed....

 I found this awesome calendar pad in the Dollar section at Target, I laminated one of the sheets and taped it to the top of the box so there is always a calendar on hand.
 Calendar on the box lid.

 I also created a label for the top and the outgoing mail box from Pinterest.
 I did create a box for outgoing mail to coordinate with the box, it is actually a drawer organizer I found at the Dollar store, it came with two small boxes so it was a deal.  

My finished Mail Center, I have great hopes it will clear up our paper piles and cut back on our clutter.  Now instead of mail going all over the house, papers being scattered they are all kept in one place and our plan is to clean it out on Sundays every week to keep it under control.

Project 3: Kitchen Bar

 So for Project 3 I have to admit it is a sort of cheat project,  I had started the mail center part before the challenge but never finished it.    But the kitchen bar was a new clean up project that just fit nicely with finishing my mail center.  The spirit of the challenge is getting your life organized and cutting clutter so I figure it counts.

So here are my before pics:
 The bar was becoming a dumping zone for everything including mail, school papers, coupons, etc.
My goal was to clean it up.  First thing I did is sort through all the stuff on the bar and make piles on the kitchen table. 
 Mail, magazines, coupons, etc. 
 I filled up 1/2 a bag full of shredded papers and recycle magazines-all going to the recycle center. 
 Then I set to organizing everything.   

I decided to finally finish my Mail Zone/Mail Center.  I had the box that I got from Target in my favorite colors of blue and lime green and I had some really cute file folders.

I downloaded some free label templates I found on Pinterest.  They were very cute and labeled all the file folders to fit our family needs.

I made a box (from Dollar Tree) to match for outgoing mail with another free label template from Pinterest.  (I love Pinterest)
 I cleaned up the pen cups that my kids made me at school.  I took out all the random things that had found their way into the cups and just left pens and scissors for everyday use.  The flowers are 'Flower Pens' Xander made me for Mother's Day a few years ago.  They don't work anymore but my baby made them so I kept them for decoration, but any other pen that didn't work went in the trash.

I also cleaned up the 'key bowl'.  It is a temporary place for keys since I have plans (thanks to Pinterest) to make a key holder for the wall by the back door.

Small basket, lime green of course (from Dollar Tree) to hold little things on the counter.  Here it holds a card and Genna's face lotion.
 For all the other things that find their way on the counter, I used a white box (from Dollar Tree) to hold everything.  This should keep things organized and keep the counter clean.  
Right now it holds my green and white notebook where I am tracking my Clutter busting, colors and markers for the kids, my coupon file, and two small blue containers that came with the outgoing mail box (from Dollar Tree) to hold small pieces from toys and other stuff.

The cleaned bar! I love it!  The only other thing on the counter is Xander's greenhouse. 

Perfect, the whole family has been warned that things need to go in the correct place or there will be consequences.  Momma is serious about keeping it clean.

February 23, 2012

Project 2: Laundry Drop Zone

I am still home sick so day/project 2 is another project from my bedroom that I can do while 'resting'.  In our room we have an area we call the 'Drop Zone' pretty much it is an area in our bedroom where we put laundry that needs to be folded and things that need to be put up.  How did such a crazy area come about?   Easy, NO LAUNDRY ROOM.  Yes my house does not have a laundry room just a closet in our super super small upstairs hallway.

There is no place to fold so laundry gets dumped on our bed, but since evenings are so busy often it is 11 and I am too tired to fold or hang clothes - so things go in the basket to the drop zone.  After while it starts building up.   So today, I decide to work through the pile and clear the space.

So about 1 1/2 hours later, this was the result.  Empty bassinet, four empty laundry baskets, one bag of trash and one bag for donation.  

The area now.  My goal is to make sure the 'drop zone' doesn't reappear.  

I have hopes that our IKEA storage for the gameroom will be finished in 2012 so that I can fold in the gameroom while I fervently pray for a future house with a laundry room.  

February 22, 2012

Project 1: Dresser Drawers

Looking at my cluttered dresser drawers was making me crazy.  The drawers were full of old clothes etc.  Since I was home sick with a nasty, nasty sinus infection I figured cleaning out dresser drawers was a good place to start my declutter since I can do it while resting in bed.   I am starting small, it is day 1 after all.

My before picture, everything was just stuffed in the drawer.  

My blank slate.

Completed project clean and organized.

My donate bag!  

40 Days of Decluttering

All over the web and Facebook everyone is talking about taking control of clutter in the house and organizing your life. 
 So with Lent, talk reached fevered pitch so I decided it was just the incentive I need to get my organizing and purging on track.  So I am committed to decluttering, organizing and cleaning something everyday of lent, 40 days of decluttering.  It is like I am giving up living in a mess for Lent!

To keep me on track I will post my 40 projects online!