February 25, 2012

Project 4: Kitchen Sink Cabinet

Ok so I forgot to get a before picture on the kitchen cabinet, I got all excited and started working then remembered.  To sum up, it was a mess, everything was just thrown under: bags, cleaning supplies, vases and random glass jars.  It was a huge mess.

First thing I did was pull everything out and throw away the empty bottles, paper, etc.  Then I pulled out all the glass stuff and sorted the donate stuff into a box.  

End result, one giant bag of trash and one box of donate.

I found some great boxes at the Dollar Tree, that I labeled based on the cleaning supplies.

Basically there is a box for dishes, bathroom cleaner, kitchen cleaner, spray bottles, Swiffer dusters and dusting supplies, air fresheners and carpet cleaner.  I also took a plastic basket (Dollar Tree) to hold all the grocery bags.  End result a nice and clean cabinet.  

I am so proud of the cabinet that I have been showing it to everyone who comes over.  I gushed about it to the babysitter, who I must say was pretty impressed.


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